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Lower Your Energy Bills with ThermoSeal Spray Foam

Save up to 50% off your energy bills!

How ThermoSeal Spray Foam Insulation Reduces Your Energy Bills

By expanding and sealing every crack and crevice, ThermoSeal spray foam insulation can help reduce up to 50% or more off your energy bills.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, air infiltration which occurs through traditional insulations can account for 40 percent or more of a home's heating and cooling costs. ThermoSeal Spray Foam, which is installed as a liquid and expands to seal every tiny crack and seam that can potentially let in air, is an air barrier eliminating uncontrolled air leakage.

In addition, the increased thermal efficiency of ThermoSeal spray foam insulation coupled with the air seal advantage can provide energy 40% or more with a full envelope encapsulation in all climates and seasons.

It doesn't matter where you live because ThermoSeal spray foam insulation will drastically improve your home's temperatures year round from the harsh north eastern U.S. winters to the blazing hot and humid southern summers.

When your home is well insulated with spray foam, your heating and air conditioning equipment do not need to work as hard. Wouldn't it be nice to just leave your thermostat in a comfortable spot all year?

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Every authorized ThermoSeal Spray Foam Insulation contractor we refer to you will be passionate about helping you save as much money as possible based on your specific needs. They are fully qualified to answer any questions that come up.

Contact Us

Have questions? Give us a call at 1-800-853-1577.

About Us

ThermoSeal brand products produce cleaner, healthier living environments by reducing airborne allergens as well as virtually eliminating mold and mildew within our homes. Read more about us.

Our Contact Info

PO Box 32,
New Canaan, CT 06840
